Vision Statement

Christ's Community Church exists to impact our community with the dynamic power of the

Kingdom of God resulting in a church of committed warriors for King Jesus.


Christ's Community Church provides an atmosphere where children are safely trained in the ways of God,

adults are taught the Bible in a clear and relevant way and all may worship together to produce committed

warriors for King Jesus who powerfully impact our community.


Christ's Community Church values the Bible as God's inspired word without error. We value teaching the Bible

in a clear way with practical application for all ages. We value helping our people become ho God wants them

to be and to help others do the same. We value impacting our community in such a dynamic way that

pervasive problems like addiction and single-parenthood fade away.

A Non-Profit Corporation

Christ's Community Church (hereafter referred to as "CCC") is an incorporated non-profit in the state of Ohio

and, as such, is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3). All donations are tax deductible

to the limit set by federal and state law.


In accordance with state law as a duly incorporated non-profit, CCC has a President, Vice-President, Treasurer,

Secretary, a Statutory Agent and the Board of Trustees. Day-to-day decisions are made by the Lead Pastor in

consultation with the Senior Pastor or Executive Pastor and paid staff. All employees are at-will. The Lead

Pastor may remove any employee for cause at any time. The Lead Pastor may be removed by a 2/3 vote of

the Board of Trustees. The preaching team function as the elders of the church in accordance with

1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

The Board of Trustees is made up of no less than three individuals. Trustees are appointed by Lead Pastor

in consultation with the Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor. The Board of Trustees are entrusted by law with

overseeing the property and general governance of CCC. The Board of Trustees is a voluntary,

unpaid position.

A copy of the Employee Agreement that must be signed by all CCC employees, full or part-time,

is available upon request.

Job Descriptions

Unless otherwise agreed upon by the preaching team, the Lead Pastor is the day-to-day manager of

CCC including overseeing the church staff. He is to cast the vision, set the preaching schedule (in

consultation with the rest of the preaching team), oversee staff meetings, and coordinate special events.

The Lead Pastor reports to the Board of Trustees.

The Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor is to work closely with the Lead Pastor in managing the day-to-day

responsibilities of CCC. He shall, if and when deemed necessary by the Lead Pastor, preach, teach,

disciple, lead worship, provide spiritual counseling, make in-home or hospital visits, etc. The Senior

Pastor/Executive Pastor's direct report is the Lead Pastor. The position may be full or part-time.

The Teaching Pastor reports to the Lead Pastor and Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor. He is charged

with preaching, teaching, discipling, providing spiritual counseling, making in-home and hospital visits.

The Minister of Pastoral Care's primary responsibility is to visit members of the congregation who are

ill whether at home or in a medical institution. The Minister of Pastoral Care may, however, with the

permission of the Lead Pastor teach, disciple, make in-home visits, lead worship and provide

spiritual counseling.

The Student Pastor reports to the Lead Pastor. His primary duty is to teach and disciple students from

7th through 12th grade. He may, however, with permission of the Lead Pastor, preach, lead worship,

make in-home visits, hospital visits, etc.

The Media Services Director reports to the Lead Pastor. His or her duties include, but are not limited to,

updating and maintaining the CCC web site, social media presence, overseeing the sound and

video booth during weekly worship, assisting the preaching team with their sermons, etc.

The Facilities Manager reports to the Lead Pastor. His or her primary duty is to clean and maintain

the facilities of CCC.

The Executive Assistant reports to the Lead Pastor. His or her primary duty is to perform clerical duties

for the staff as necessary. These duties include, but are not limited to, answering the phones,

responding to emails, drafting the weekly church bulletin and updates, assisting with weekly deposits

and financial reports, etc.

Staff positions may be added to or eliminated depending on available funds and the needs of

the congregation as determined by the Lead Pastor with the consultation of the Senior Pastor/Executive

Pastor and Board of Trustees.

Individual salaries are determined by the Lead Pastor in consultation with the Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor

and the Board of Trustees. CCC makes it a point to study the average salaries of North American churches

and pay a commensurate salary taking into consideration the cost of living in our community. Any salary

adjustments must be approved by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees.

In addition to the Employee Agreement, all CCC staff members are required to undergo an annual sexual harassment/risk management seminar.

CCC does not have a licensed professional counselor on staff. CCC staff members do not provide

professional mental or emotional counseling. Senior members of the CCC staff, including the

Lead Pastor, Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor, Teaching Pastor and Student's Pastor may provide

spiritual counseling to members of the congregation. Any member of the congregation suffering from

emotional or mental distress should seek out the advice of a licensed professional counselor.

Leadership Succession Policy

The Lead Pastor will become Co-Lead Pastor with current Teaching Pastor or Student Pastor at the age of 62.

The decision on who will become Co-Lead Pastor will be made by the Lead Pastor in consultation with the

Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor and the Board of Trustees. Lead Pastors are to retire at age 64. He has the option,

with the approval of the Board of Trustees and fellow Co-Lead Pastor to retire, stay on staff as part-time or full-time depending primarily on the needs of the congregation (as determined by his fellow Lead Pastor and the Board of Trustees) and secondly on the desire of the outgoing Lead Pastor.

The reason for this policy is to ensure no gap in leadership, the training of the next generation and to maintain

CCC's unique position as a multi-generational community of believers. CCC holds that a multi-generational

preaching and teaching staff is vital to reaching various age groups for the Kingdom of God.

Termination Procedure

As detailed in the Employee Agreement, all staff members of CCC must sign a 2-week notice before resigning. Employees are at-will and may be terminated by the Lead Pastor at any time for cause. The Lead Pastor may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Trustees.

If an employee is terminated, he or she must immediately relinquish and and all property of CCC, including, but

not limited to, keys to any CCC facility, expense cards, etc. The terminated employee is to be escorted out of the facility as soon as he or she may gather their personal belonging. The reason for this policy is to ensure no

potentially disgruntled employee may incur further cost to the church of divide the Body of Christ. The

terminated employee, however, is welcome to join CCC for corporate worship as long as he or she does not

cause division within the congregation (Psalm 133:1 and Eph. 4:3)

Financial Documents

An annual financial report is made available to all regular attendees of CCC at the end of the calendar year.

Financial documents that do not disclose the personal information of donors and/or members of CCC will be

made available to regular attendees of CCC upon written request and according to the appropriate time it

takes to produce said documents.

Volunteer Policy

CCC values it's volunteers! The congregation could not run without them. CCC maintains a security team to

protect our attendees, a welcome team to make sure all, especially visitors, feel welcome, a children's ministry team

to train young people in the ways of God, an audio visual team to provide an exciting worship service in which to

grow closer to the Lord, and a worship team to lead us in praise of God.

While we value and appreciate our volunteers, we also want to do what we can to protect our people, especially

our children. As such, anyone seeking to volunteer for the security or children's ministry team must undergo a

criminal background check. volunteers are also instructed never to be alone with a child that is not his or her own.

Facilities Policy

Illegal substances and alcohol are prohibited anywhere on the property of CCC. The use of tobacco products is prohibited anywhere within a CCC Facility. For other CCC facility policies, contact us at